This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#141 want him and I'm going to have him! </p><p> He caught her eye, came back around the car
doc#133 FORGET Ann Turner. He was well rid of her. He certainly didn't want a wife who was fickle
doc#53 biggest detriment to the Soviet Union. </p><p> He cited East Germany where after 15 years
doc#105 stories, in particular Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He cited Heine and Stendhal as favorites in
doc#109 to create "a world beyond imagination". He cites with pleasure the comment of a lady
doc#146 toward open range. Yet he must chance it. He clambered out of the dwindling wash, the
doc#133 woman, he was more puzzled than ever. </p><p> He cleaned his shovel, left it against the
doc#134 Can't let you go way from me again ..." He closed his eyes, ashamed of his tears. </p>
doc#144 circled the house and located a barn out back. He could hear horses moving around inside,
doc#141 . Neither was he very powerful of build. He could move very quickly, she knew (although
doc#133 fast, now that the warm weather was here. He could not afford to lose a drop of the
doc#141 but he could not read the racket properly. He could not grasp that Lord had withdrawn
doc#138 tickets he snatched them away from my hand. He couldn't afford to have anyone mess around
doc#141 of death, he scrambled to his feet again. He couldn't see; he was long past the point
doc#45 Davis the means to effect a transition. He could tell the Legislature they had provided
doc#45 him in his efforts to prevent integration. He could terminate special sessions of the
doc#148 date instead. You are both the same size. He could use your clothes for a costume and
doc#135 dash to the rear of the frame buildings. He crawled beneath the two supply wagons which
doc#135 at the rear of the two frame buildings. He crouched there. </p><p> His shout had been
doc#133 told him. They were running from something. He 'd be an idiot to let them stay he thought