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doc#103 something, eh, mate"? the Australian asked. " They swear that every person smells different
doc#104 of old Persia and sometimes of the East. They think of it as a kind of spooky museum
doc#104 of bravery to this anonymous folk poem: " They brought me news that Spring is in the plains
doc#107 successors will have an easier task". </p><p> They thought of themselves, to use Jefferson
doc#107 laws of nature and of nature's God". </p><p> They fought hard, but they were forgiving to
doc#107 ratification of the Federal Constitution. They supported it, not as a perfect instrument
doc#110 mentioning the word in the Federal Constitution. They recognized that slavery was a moral issue
doc#110 delegated to the States and to their Union. They differed in the balance they believed essential
doc#111 explanations that stand out quite clearly. They are in general those fears that once seemed
doc#111 have been amenable to prayer or ritual. They include both individual fears and collective
doc#111 both individual fears and collective ones. They arise in situations in which one believes
doc#112 reviewers like to call his plays nihilistic. They find deep pessimism in them. Even so astute
doc#112 of his face are distinct, but not fine. They look as if they had been sculptured with
doc#113 determined not to tame their sexual energy. They withdraw to the underground of the slums
doc#113 creative pursuit -- writing, painting, music. They are non-conformists on principle. When
doc#113 , the derelicts and outcasts of society. They embrace independent poverty, usually with
doc#113 -up" partner who will help support them. They are full of contempt for the institution
doc#113 hold the laws of the state null and void. They feel they are leagued against a hostile
doc#114 Hound of Heaven's pursuit) by judicial fiat. They didn't seem to be able to think of any.
doc#114 Tacitus was talking about when he said, " They make a desert, and call it peace" ("Solitudinem