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doc#109 the ground. This became a dance
doc#110 from it. This right of the
doc#110 to secede: This would destroy the
doc#111 winter solstice. This and other fears
doc#111 celestial motions. This understanding provides a
doc#111 feel uneasy. This almost trivial example
doc#112 Not this. This is clear.
doc#112 is clear. This does not allow
doc#113 divine power. This is far from
doc#113 heat". This is the Holy
doc#113 in wedlock. This girl soon drops
doc#113 unbearably monotonous. </p><p> This confession serves to
doc#113 the police. This is the rhetoric
doc#115 devote himself. This restless individualism found
doc#115 patient cheerfulness. This comes out in
doc#115 of Sweden. This is brought out
doc#116 interested agencies. This favorable image of
doc#116 my family. This combined experience,
doc#117 ° K. This result suggests a
doc#117 1946). This was followed by