This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#79 played basketball there while working toward a law degree. </p><p> Later, Shea owned and
doc#80 Hogan Trophy for his comeback following a recent illness. </p><p> The principal speaker
doc#81 the Masters, the United States Open and a record $80,738 in prize money. He was heralded
doc#81 by the margin of that stroke. </p><p> Until a few weeks ago, however, Arnold Palmer was
doc#84 are most needed on the job. A thug struck a cab driver in the face with a pistol last
doc#86 'll write what you tell me to". </p><p> For a number of years the board used a machine
doc#87 A. Bertorelli (D., First Baltimore) had a stroke yesterday while in his automobile
doc#89 spotted the wanted car, with three boys, at a Route 2 service station, just outside Annapolis
doc#93 Others, which are reached by walking up a single flight of stairs, have balconies
doc#95 Bow st. police court here at the end of a three day hearing. A full trial was ordered
doc#95 arrested, he had the submarine secrets on a roll of candid camera film as well as anti
doc#95 </p><p> The hull was also a result of almost a decade of work. It was first tried out
doc#97 Robinson added, the largest youth accosted him, a quarrel ensued, and the youth knocked him
doc#100 years in a Connecticut commuting town with a high percentage of artists, writers, publicity
doc#100 visiting Northerners. Also, among the latter a large percentage soon acquire the prevalent
doc#100 definition of this much abused adjective is that a reconstructed rebel is one who is glad
doc#100 North likes to believe. I never heard of a poll being taken on the question. No doubt
doc#100 about the South. For one thing, this is not a subject often discussed or analyzed. There
doc#100 world. Regardless of rights and wrongs, a population and an area appropriate to a
doc#100 a population and an area appropriate to a pre-World-War-I great power have been,