This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#125 Modifications of the last technique have been applied by several groups of investigators
doc#52 on its own. </p><p> Vincent G. Ierulli has been appointed temporary assistant district
doc#100 had once been rich, humbled where they had been arrogant, having no longer any hope of
doc#100 proud and warlike as Southerners should have been as docile as they have. The North should
doc#21 that the United States leadership has not been as much in evidence as hoped for. One diplomat
doc#133 as Ann. If he had married her, he'd have been asking for trouble. </p><p> But all of this
doc#22 Kennedy administration policies also have been assailed now from another direction by
doc#107 years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite
doc#62 The famed Yankee Clipper, now retired, has been assisting as a batting coach. SQUAD CUT
doc#122 rate to the incident intensity has also been assumed in obtaining the value in the last
doc#142 after the Maguires joined it, which had been at midday. He'd come alone, without his
doc#136 Montero said. </p><p> The war captain had been badly wounded and was fighting to hold
doc#103 <p> The malignancy of such a landscape has been beautifully described by the Australian
doc#81 the boys, a bigger hero than he ever had been before. A formula to supply players for
doc#132 network of social services. Her conclusion has been borne out in the experience of many practitioners
doc#18 case". Contempt proceedings originally had been brought against 677 persons in 133 precincts
doc#114 -Civil War period, the immigrants having been brought in from Southern Europe, to work
doc#101 turned an important corner. In what has aptly been called a "constitutional revolution", the
doc#52 will replace Desmond D. Connall who has been called to active military service but is
doc#135 fact, showing signs of reviving. He had been carrying an Enfield rifle and a holstered