This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#122 tubing, 5.5 cm. long, diffraction effects being minimized by the fact that the light passed
doc#123 the incident momentum with the remainder being momentum of ejected material from the sensor
doc#116 and integrity of control; corporations, being more amorphous, cannot. Proprietorships
doc#24 last nine years. He is not interested in being named a full-time director. </p><p> Noting
doc#101 societal) responsibility for the economic well- being of the American people is surely one of
doc#109 designed to become part of the theatrical being of the performer. The dancer who never
doc#5 night, there was no word of a resolution being offered there to rescind the action. </p>
doc#93 the apartments are of the terrace type, being on the ground floor so that entrance is
doc#115 assault on the fortress of Fredrikshall, being only thirty-six years of age when he died
doc#146 broncs without any particular attention being paid them. </p><p> "Gyp'll be holdin' forth
doc#113 a sexual experience in which their whole being participates. </p><p> It is therefore not
doc#114 's infuriating, this feeling that one is being picked on, continually, constantly. By
doc#119 will be done in a separate paper which is being prepared. This has an interesting analogy
doc#105 in archaeology and was looking forward to being present this summer at the excavation of
doc#143 not idle threats. The company herds were being raided less often, and cabins and soddies
doc#4 the State Highway Department is very near being ready to issue the first $30 million worth
doc#107 with strong opinions, frank to the point of being refreshingly indiscreet, the Founding Seven
doc#122 air trap with only a small middle fraction being retained in each distillation. The purified
doc#122 distilled on a Vigreux column, a 25% center cut being retained which was then degassed under
doc#26 does not own". Mr. Reama, far from really being retired, is engaged in industrial relations