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doc#102 assured me that the President's decision could be made and announced on the gold circuit
doc#102 still happen before a wing of B-52 bombers could drop their H-bombs. </p><p> In a word, plenty
doc#103 life. Occasionally, for no reason that I could see, they would suddenly alter the angle
doc#103 Australian stopped trying to talk a pidgin I could understand, and spoke strange words from
doc#105 sunshine, he asked if the soft background music could be turned off. Unfortunately, it was Muzak
doc#105 devised a system of colors, whereby the boy could easily distinguish the different note values
doc#105 school at the age of five-and-a-half, he could not understand why the alphabet begins
doc#105 Since he introduces so much modern music, I could not resist asking how he felt about it.
doc#106 convinced of the truth of my statement, but could not think of anything that might evoke
doc#106 needed no additional controversy and soon I could ask each individually what he expected
doc#107 they were also stout controversialists, who could write with a drop of vitriol on their pens
doc#108 difficult assignments a Southern writer could tackle; and the success of such an endeavor
doc#108 more masterfully than it has ever been, or could ever be, done. He has made it his, and
doc#110 no right to secede, though the citizens could . Writing to Speed on August 24, 1855, Lincoln
doc#110 freedom to the free". </p><p> What Lincoln could not concede was that the states rather
doc#110 all our error, some truth. So great a man could not but understand, too, that the thing
doc#111 Newtonian innovation of an universal force that could account quantitatively for both terrestial
doc#111 possibility of planetoid collision. A meteor could fall on San Francisco. Solar activities
doc#111 fall on San Francisco. Solar activities could presumably bring long periods of flood
doc#112 human beings and with a kind of humor that I could reconcile neither with despair nor with