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doc#102 President's decision could be made and
doc#102 of B-52 bombers could drop their H
doc#103 reason that I could see, they
doc#103 a pidgin I could understand, and
doc#105 soft background music could be turned off
doc#105 whereby the boy could easily distinguish the
doc#105 half, he could not understand why
doc#105 music, I could not resist asking
doc#106 statement, but could not think of
doc#106 and soon I could ask each individually
doc#107 controversialists, who could write with a
doc#108 a Southern writer could tackle; and
doc#108 been, or could ever be,
doc#110 though the citizens could . Writing to
doc#110 . </p><p> What Lincoln could not concede was
doc#110 great a man could not but understand
doc#111 universal force that could account quantitatively for
doc#111 . A meteor could fall on San
doc#111 . Solar activities could presumably bring long
doc#112 humor that I could reconcile neither with