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doc#101 together as a unit. Today, as new nations rise from the former colonial empires, nationalism
doc#101 sovereignty. The former receives its legitimacy from the latter. Operating side by side, together
doc#101 power over domestic affairs and independence from outside control. In fact, however, both
doc#102 continents? Are we as safe as we should be from such a disaster? Is anything being done
doc#102 special codes, that the messages actually come from their purported sources. Additional codes
doc#102 All can be connected with the gold circuit from their homes. All could help the President
doc#102 circuit within minutes after the first flash from BMEWS. </p><p> If communications work, his
doc#102 dozen men, some armed, are never far away from him. In front of him is a gold phone. In
doc#102 does not know the go code. He must take it from "the red box". In point of fact, this is
doc#103 was not. They lay, with the birds hopping from branch to branch above them and the bright
doc#103 leaning against the rock. He gazed away from us as we approached. He was over six feet
doc#103 of the objects seemed to have been carved from the same material and to be ageless. </p>
doc#103 far forward, their eyes only a few inches from the ground. They had located the runway
doc#103 could understand, and spoke strange words from deep in his chest. </p><p> It was a fortunate
doc#104 successors to enrich the city. Travelers entering from the desert were confounded by what must
doc#104 night lugged me up a mountainside to drink from a spring famous in the neighborhood for
doc#104 plus poetry and some kinds of art, receives from the most ordinary of Persians a great deal
doc#104 long arcaded box laid across the river; from downstream, where the water level is much
doc#104 , it is cool beneath the stone and fresh from the water flowing in the sluices at the
doc#104 come to walk in the promenade: merchants from the bazaar bickering over a deal; a Bakhtiari