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doc#21 "cornerstone" of its foreign policy, but has announced that five nuclear submarines
doc#108 considers unjust, while in other cases he has appealed to federal laws. This bold self
doc#109 painter, and musician. </p><p> An approach that has appealed to some choreographers is reminiscent
doc#101 people turned an important corner. In what has aptly been called a "constitutional revolution
doc#36 succession of highly publicized scandals has aroused the public within the last year
doc#86 Anne Arundel county school superintendent has asked that the Board of Education return
doc#36 investigations. And the election of President Kennedy has attracted new attention to the ethical
doc#101 The idea of national responsibility thus has become a common feature of the nations
doc#101 relations have been transformed, income security has become a standardized feature of political
doc#53 Germany where after 15 years of Soviet rule it has become necessary to build a wall to keep
doc#69 . </p><p> Buffalo coach Buster Ramsey, who has become one of the game's greatest collectors
doc#27 follow through on it", he declared. "It has become our responsibility and I hope that
doc#114 about "the law of the land". The expression has become quite a cliche. But people can't
doc#101 Almost febrile in intensity, the principle has become worldwide in application -- unfortunately
doc#114 is not irrevocable; it can be changed; it has been, many times. Mr. Justice Taney's Dred
doc#81 Missouri. GOLF'S GOLDEN BOY ARNOLD PALMER has been a blazing figure in golf over the
doc#59 superintendent, commented, "The Assemblies of God has been a bulwark for fundamentalism in these
doc#92 </p><p> While availability of mortgage money has been a factor in encouraging apartment
doc#21 of its Angola policy prove harsh, there has been a noticeable relaxation of tension
doc#24 Hawksley, the state's general treasurer, has been a part-time CD director in the city