This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#109 the concept of cause and effect. He bases his approach on the belief that anything can
doc#139 the cord of the alarm bell. Powers knocked his arm aside. Deliberately, with none of Rankin
doc#144 Jess's gun in his left hand. He drew back his arm to slash the gunbarrel across Jess's
doc#136 slept unconcernedly, his rifle cradled in his arms; I didn't catch a wink. Every time
doc#135 turned from Susan and took Julia Fortune in his arms. He kissed her also, and with deep
doc#142 was stiff with anger when they let go of his arms. He looked at each of them in turn
doc#134 Clayton went forward to him. Gavin slipped his arms around his chest and hugged him fiercely
doc#133 She was amazingly light, and so relaxed in his arms that he wasn't even sure she was conscious
doc#108 panorama is dead. As John T. Westbrook says in his article, "Twilight of Southern Regionalism
doc#109 victim may do a pirouette, sit down, or offer his assailant a fork and spoon. Events occur
doc#139 of his job, proud that Donald Kruger and his associates trusted him. He lived and breathed
doc#138 registered? Begging my pardon, he must express his astonishment over seeing a person of my
doc#144 . With a roar of pain and fury Jess made his attack. </p><p> Curt managed to duck beneath
doc#146 somewhere behind. He had been sighted, and his attacker pumping shot after shot. A shot
doc#132 needs, not only respected them as worthy of his attention, but immediately satisfied them
doc#148 appraisingly and seemed to be uncertain what his attitude towards me should be, but he did
doc#114 financial aspects (quite conveniently, too, for his audience, who could indulge in moral indignation
doc#107 Jefferson, achieved immortality through his authorship of the Declaration of Independence
doc#87 Baltimore) had a stroke yesterday while in his automobile in the 200 block of West Pratt
doc#29 Clifford Case R-N.J., has decided to spend all his available time campaigning for Mr. Mitchell