This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#128 expect that not only the various procedures just mentioned which alter the hypothalamic
doc#129 characteristics is necessarily of the type we have just described. </p><p> To do this we must first
doc#131 example, the Crusades, mission efforts, just wars. Much effort has been expended in
doc#133 there and we can't expect you to quit work just to take us to town". "We'll see", Morgan
doc#133 haven't slept together since we started. I just can't take any chances on getting her pregnant
doc#134 out. I didn't understand why, Clay. They just all cleared out. I treated them fair ...
doc#135 stood in the shadow of the stockade wall just out of reach of the moonlight. Mike kept
doc#135 wound. The bullet had torn through the flesh just above the knee, inflicting an ugly gash
doc#136 . 28. ATTACK GRAY EYES ATTACKED OUR camp just as the first pink threads stitched together
doc#137 whiteface bull that was chewing its cud just within the far reaches of the firelight
doc#137 didn't quite succeed. He took the reins just below the bit and held them firmly, and
doc#137 to complain. The place had been cheap -- just the little he had left after Amelia's burial
doc#137 was water. There was an artificial lake just out of sight in the first stand of trees
doc#138 door. I was at once disappointed, although just what I had expected him to look like I
doc#141 brand, maybe", Lord suggested. "Or maybe you just don't feel like a cigar"? </p><p> "I feel
doc#141 laying for Aaron McBride for a long time, just waiting to catch him out of line. McBride
doc#141 you're all wrong, man! I'm no lawyer. I just do what I'm told, and" -- </p><p> "Uh-huh
doc#141 I've given willful hurt to no man. I was just doing my job, just following orders, and
doc#141 hurt to no man. I was just doing my job, just following orders, and for that he's going
doc#142 'd heard the rumble of thunder and then, just outside Rockfork, they ran into rain. Those