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doc#112 in his work. American newspaper reviewers like to call his plays nihilistic. They find
doc#113 their attitude toward sex. For the beatnik, like the hipster, is in opposition to a society
doc#113 marriage and the trap of domesticity, for like cats they are determined not to tame their
doc#113 sacred road to integration of being. Jazz, like sex, is a mystique. It is not a substitute
doc#114 <p> A dear, respected friend of mine, who like myself grew up in the South and has spent
doc#116 displays, but rugged capitalist entrepreneurs like Henry Ford, Hugh Cooper, Thomas Campbell
doc#117 measurements at wave lengths near 3 cm and 10 cm is like that of a black body at about 600° K. This
doc#117 radio emission spectrum is definitely not like the spectrum of a black-body radiator,
doc#117 ) identified the origin of interference- like radio noise on their records at about 15
doc#119 ideal gas that are analogous to rubber- like deformation. The internal energy of an
doc#126 afterward keeps incubating and guarding her eggs like a mother hen, taking a sip from time to
doc#126 individuals of Psithyrus look deceptively like the workers and queens of the bumblebees
doc#126 referred to as the lawn bee. The females like to burrow in the short turf of well-kept
doc#126 feature. On the basis of its life history, we like to think that Andrena is more primitive
doc#126 an animal with a full pollen load looks like a gay little piece of yellow down floating
doc#127 surface. With completion of filling, net- like anastomoses were noted to be present between
doc#127 the horse lung appears to be remarkably like that of man, insofar as this can be ascertained
doc#130 TRANSITIONAL SOCIETIES When we look at countries like Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Burma, where
doc#131 dominantly in every part of it. In societies like ours, however, its place is less clear
doc#132 disrupted daily functioning, was a phobic- like fear that some terrible harm would befall