This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#116 control of my business, coupled with raising my family. This combined experience, on a
doc#137 she said sternly. "It wouldn't matter to my father, and not to me. I meant what I said
doc#137 pretty hard on him". </p><p> "He works for my father", the girl said, and then seemed
doc#112 perverse to do so! He wanted to know if my father had beaten me or my mother had run
doc#126 kinds of Andrena in Europe alone. One of my favorites is A. armata, a species very
doc#116 solve long-range problems for myself and my fellow-employees. Any abilities I may have
doc#26 <p> "That was before I studied law. Some of my fellow workers were grooming me for an
doc#112 Once I had a religious emotion. It was at my first Communion. No more. My mother was
doc#106 young clerk. </p><p> When I mentioned that for my first long voyage I did not even have the
doc#138 severed all connections which bound me to my former existence. The flat, hard cap was
doc#138 application. I had the impression that he had read my forms, perhaps several times. He did not
doc#138 applying at the hall. He had looked over my forms and was impressed by what he had
doc#138 radio off. He made a show of rearranging my forms on the shelf. He would pick up the
doc#138 Having nothing else to do except wait for my forms to be processed, I gave myself over
doc#138 Also the clerk appeared to disapprove of my frequent curious glances back over my shoulder
doc#133 </p><p> "I don't have many strays coming to my front door", he said. "Think you can walk
doc#134 the saddle, like a child. "I hate to leave my garden", Gavin said. "They'll trample it
doc#134 said. "They'll trample it down. I loved my garden". </p><p> "It will grow again -- in
doc#138 for the tickets he snatched them away from my hand. He couldn't afford to have anyone
doc#138 value to its rightful recipient. I withdrew my hand. Later I would remember what this