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doc#126 On this, she builds an "egg compartment" or "egg cell" which is filled with that famous
doc#24 willing to go before the city council " or anyone else locally" to outline his proposal
doc#132 assuming the superficial guise of "not knowing" or "not caring". The unhealthy use of denial
doc#102 on alert near their "positive control ( or fail-safe) points", the spots on the map
doc#108 blissful deference to his white employer ( or , in Old South terms, "massuh"), this stereotype
doc#108 which sped the process of gaining equality ( or perhaps hindered it; only historical evolution
doc#121 interfaces in such a manner that the polar ( or ionized) end of the molecule is directed
doc#120 hydrogen atoms are located symmetrically (1) or asymmetrically (3). EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
doc#148 who wrote it but it was one of those 15th or 16th century poets. In those days poems
doc#125 either by using the gradient shown in Fig. 2 or by allowing the "cone-sphere" gradient
doc#9 schools for the deaf in counties of 300,000 or more population, require deaf children
doc#120 consistent with particle sizes of 1000 A or greater. We found no obvious effects due
doc#120 short <formul> interlayer distance of 2.55 A or the non-hydrogen-bonded <formul> interlayer
doc#108 Certain subjects are conspicuously absent or have been only lightly touched. No southern
doc#102 " that could start a war -- accidentally or by design -- and in the command centers
doc#148 took a walk you never knew what adventure or pair of sparkling eyes were waiting around
doc#76 depending on whether you're an American or National fan and anti or pro-Yankee. The
doc#126 smaller than the honeybees, are andrenas or mining bees. There are about 200 different
doc#100 majority of these people are of Anglo-Saxon or Celtic descent. This is the only case in
doc#76 're an American or National fan and anti or pro-Yankee. The record books, however,