This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#111 have learned that we have so little control over it. In fact, the recent warnings about
doc#116 amplify, project, or augment man's control over himself and over other men. Naturally this
doc#100 central government with womb-to-tomb controls over everybody? If he attaches little importance
doc#103 was not merely that flies were crawling over his face but his narrowed eyelids did not
doc#108 example of the changes which have crept over the Southern region may be seen in the
doc#97 treated at a physician's office for a cut over his left eyebrow and a possible sprained
doc#22 conference on Laos just as serious debate over its foreign policy erupts for the first
doc#73 little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over Rip Randall of Tyler, Tex., here Monday
doc#129 in a projective space of three dimensions over the field of complex numbers. These are
doc#118 assumes a mass flow equally distributed over the plug cross section whereas in reality
doc#117 and because the temperature distribution over the central portion of the moon's disk
doc#19 grants of 750 million to 1 billion dollars over the next 10 years. These would be paid
doc#144 he had behind them. They made Jess double over . When his head came down, Curt grabbed
doc#145 said, shoving his bullet-riddled hat down over Nate's purpling forehead. "Me and you's
doc#113 in orgies of sex; some of them are driven over the borderline of sanity and lose contact
doc#105 and Franz Hals. He was not enthusiastic over the newly acquired Claude Lorrain, but
doc#61 Siebern blasted Hyde's next toss 415 feet over the scoreboard in right center. CAREY SINGLES
doc#136 frenzy. A rifle cracked; the square head fell over . One of the warriors suddenly leaped to
doc#136 like a stone and the young warrior flew over its head, bouncing like a rubber ball.
doc#147 's an order". </p><p> He moved the flights over against one wall. It gave them all a chance