This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#81 drive. Then the pixies and the zombies took over while the banshees wailed in the distance
doc#81 the opposite side. "It is possible that I over -corrected", he said ruefully. Each of the
doc#85 girl was in critical condition with burns over 90 per cent of her body. BOY IN FAIR CONDITION
doc#86 week's meeting. </p><p> The disagreement was over what Dr. Jenkins had said at a previous
doc#95 whisking secrets out of naval strongrooms over which they kept guard. </p><p> Gordon A.
doc#95 under the kitchen floor or as dots posted over period marks in used books. Each dot on
doc#95 Just how many sub secrets were being handed over when the ring, watched for six months,
doc#97 treated at a physician's office for a cut over his left eyebrow and a possible sprained
doc#99 Evanston policeman on a high speed chase over icy Evanston and Wilmette streets Jan.
doc#100 central government with womb-to-tomb controls over everybody? If he attaches little importance
doc#100 before it did. Southern resentment has been over the method of its ending, the invasion,
doc#101 order and external security. By prevailing over other claimants for the loyalties of men
doc#101 which a century ago insured national unity over fragmentation. A third, one of at least
doc#101 responsibility for local economic distress won out over a "state's-responsibility" proposal --
doc#101 the power to make law -- i.e., to prevail over internal groups and to be free from the
doc#101 and exercises sovereignty: supreme power over domestic affairs and independence from
doc#103 and now they did not care. The games were over , this was life. Occasionally, for no reason
doc#103 live: arms dangling, legs barely swinging over the ground, head hung down and only occasionally
doc#103 closest of his fellows. The other trotted over and swooped at the tiny puddle. In an instant
doc#103 might have been a fence or a house just over the next rise; only -- there was not. They