This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#36 Massachusetts public life. Day after day some new episode is reported. </p><p> The state
doc#68 second play of the game. There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee". </p><p> Rice
doc#148 about women for my Aunt, by blood, had died some years ago, but neither of us said anything
doc#143 threw a ten-day drinking spree and dropped some very strong hints among friends. </p><p>
doc#126 with the arrival of the cold weather. Even some of the queens will die before the winter
doc#124 was known to be lousy. One might expect some spread of the disease in this case resulting
doc#131 part of the Grand Design. This explains some group ends and provides a justification
doc#25 Miss Grant that he has been concerned for some time "with the continuous problem which
doc#3 Caldwell's resignation had been expected for some time. He will be succeeded by Rob Ledford
doc#138 had no measure of comparison. I had for some time been hoping, in vain, for one of the
doc#143 supported alibi ready. Later, riding in for some lusty enjoyment of the liquor and professional
doc#88 manual laborers go home Tuesday night for some rest. Work resumed Wednesday, he said.
doc#121 million less. Even here there is room for some variation, for metal surfaces vary in smoothness
doc#54 he thought the schools were waiting for some leadership, perhaps on the national level
doc#122 chlorine and because the results furnish some information on the activation energy for
doc#21 State himself, in his first speech, gave some idea of the tremendous march of events
doc#111 reconstruct the primeval fears of man. We get some clue from a few remembrances of childhood
doc#123 Zodiacal light and the gegenschein give some evidence for such a dust blanket, a phenomenon
doc#133 room, woke the girl. He said, "I've got some supper ready". </p><p> She rubbed her eyes
doc#148 told a story in verse and those boys had some corkers to tell; and now I think we can