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doc#127 hilar branches following along the pleural surface . With completion of filling, net-like anastomoses
doc#129 of a curve of symbol (a,b) on a quadric surface pass through an arbitrary point. The class
doc#129 that g is a <formul> curve on a quadric surface . </p><p> Continuing with the case in which
doc#129 general line meets a nonsingular quadric surface bearing a curve of symbol <formul>. Then
doc#129 possible. 1. Let Q be a nonsingular quadric surface bearing reguli <formul> and <formul>, and
doc#129 <formul> curve on a nonsingular quadric surface . </p><p> We now observe that the case in
doc#129 g as vertex is transformed into a ruled surface of order <formul> having <formul> generators
doc#129 (1), the image of this pencil is a ruled surface of order <formul> which is met by the plane
doc#129 generators concurrent at P. Since a ruled surface of order n with n concurrent generators
doc#123 material, by the time it reaches the Earth's surface , has been reduced to dust or to spherules
doc#121 dirt particles can be held onto a soiled surface by sticky substances or by the surface
doc#121 soils are usually sorbed onto the soiled surface . In most cases, these soils are taken up
doc#117 suggests a very high temperature at the solid surface of the planet, although there is the possibility
doc#117 information about the characteristics of the solid surface . Radio observations of Venus and Jupiter
doc#121 cotton has been found to have a specific surface area of <formul>. In contrast, a metal
doc#118 surface temperature of the anode plug, the surface was scanned with a pyrometer. As it turned
doc#124 necessary for a cloud to travel along the surface . It will rise during lapse conditions.
doc#118 <fra116> inch between the plate and the surface of the anode holder. In addition, the inner
doc#117 could then be assumed to originate at the surface of the moon, while the radio emission originates
doc#123 solar-wind protons, must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust and cause a slow diminution