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doc#40 would be to take jobs from European
doc#142 <p> "But to take him and leave
doc#104 , continues to take place on the
doc#114 too easy to take the high moral
doc#144 smart enough to take advantage of it
doc#141 you going to take me or am
doc#142 've got to take Danny away from
doc#109 he is to take in its performance
doc#2 force it to take petitions out into
doc#133 work just to take us to town
doc#54 asked Monday to take a positive stand
doc#130 every obligation to take seriously their claims
doc#78 he resigned to take a similar job
doc#8 the state to take over bank accounts
doc#140 which step to take next in the
doc#18 for Wexler to take statements "privately
doc#24 be willing to take the full-
doc#132 . Willingness to take the risk of
doc#103 for years to take me to see
doc#28 done yet to take advantage of the