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doc#112 me an unhappy childhood. I told him no, that I had had a very happy childhood. Then
doc#100 differences between North and South -- other, that is, than those which concern discrimination
doc#114 A&M colleges? Was it supposed, perchance, that A&M (vocational training, that is) was
doc#21 despite Mr. Rusk's personal popularity, that the United States delegation came to Oslo
doc#111 centuries, during the scientific revolution, that our independence from the physical environment
doc#110 Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit
doc#144 add, "Tell her to come to Adams's room, that Adams is in trouble. Tell her to hurry"
doc#129 Therefore, the congruence of its secants, that is the image of a general plane field of
doc#142 odors that clung to men like themselves, that of their own sweat, of campfire smoke,
doc#111 social cause and effect. Small wonder, then, that we fear. </p><p> The achievements which dispelled
doc#114 caused no particular trouble out there, that all had gone as merry as a marriage bell
doc#127 afterwards. It is distinctly possible, therefore, that simultaneous pressures in all three vessels
doc#128 clinical neuroses and assumed, therefore, that the neuronal changes which underlie the
doc#110 great a man could not but understand, too, that the thing that moves men to sacrifice their
doc#141 </p><p> "I feel like getting back to town, that 's what I feel like! Now, are you going
doc#114 perchance, that A&M (vocational training, that is) was quite sufficient for the immigrant
doc#114 for example, that the state university, that great symbol of American democracy, failed
doc#108 Way. Thus Faulkner reminds us, and wisely, that the "new" South has gradually evolved out
doc#143 </p><p> "Dead center at three hundred yards, that coroner said"! he'd grin. "Three shots
doc#117 lunation in a roughly sinusoidal fashion; that the amplitude of the variation was considerably