This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#126 game, and let us just call them Bombus; there must be several dozen species in the United
doc#136 's shot had caught him high in the chest; there was no doubt he was dying. Again we waited
doc#132 with the twins, saying, "I have a big lap; there is room for you, too, Johnnie". Simultaneously
doc#145 moved on, he'd lead Rex down by the river; there he could shave and scrub himself up for
doc#126 interlude, to our willow catkins in the spring; there are other wild bees that command our attention
doc#103 to realize what was odd about that panel: there was a gimbaled compass welded to it, which
doc#114 interesting to know how much "integration" there is in the famous, fashionable colleges
doc#0 jury did not elaborate, but it added that " there should be periodic surveillance of the
doc#110 , but this reremained so doubtful that " there were frequent demands that the right to
doc#114 It Doesn't Affect Us! Southern Liberals ( there are a good many) -- especially if they're
doc#122 PHOTOCHEMICAL EXCHANGE IN THE GAS PHASE. -- Although there was some variation in results which must
doc#117 the solid surface of the planet, although there is the possibility that the observed radiation
doc#119 measurement of the normal pressure. </p><p> Although there were only four fluids tested, it was apparent
doc#121 . PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF WASHING Although there is no question but that the process of
doc#2 term to make the race, it voted no -- and there were no dissents. </p><p> The largest hurdle
doc#133 Both had blonde hair and blue eyes, and there was even a faint similarity of features
doc#100 ante-bellum culture to its richest flowering, and there the memory is more precious, and the consciousness
doc#102 full of .38 bullet holes", he said, and there was no question that he was talking about
doc#112 Chartres. There is the unexplainable, and there art raises questions that it does not attempt
doc#130 continue to satisfy basic capital needs; and there persists the dual problem of maintaining