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doc#100 such has been the case; but at the same time it should not draw false inferences therefrom
doc#101 have incidentally benefited. At the same time , all suggestions that some sort of societal
doc#101 its decisions altered in "the switch in time that saved nine", President Roosevelt's
doc#101 to the surge of nationalism. (Since the time -span of the nation-state coincides roughly
doc#101 application -- unfortunately at the very time that nationalist fervors can wreak greatest
doc#101 are rapidly dissipating at precisely the time that the nation-state attained its highest
doc#102 American nuclear strike. There is little time for the men in the command centers to reflect
doc#102 device". They are supplied, a batch at a time , by a secret source and are continually
doc#103 squall, raising their arms and, for the first time , shouting and capering. Then the wind died
doc#103 there was not. It might have rained, any time ; only -- it did not. There might have been
doc#103 remained squatting on her heels all the time we were there; like the man, she was entirely
doc#103 ground, the boys picked them up, one at a time , and pinched them dead. The tiny bodies
doc#104 deep in his chest. </p><p> It was a fortunate time in which to build, for the seventeenth
doc#104 aromatick a Market as any in the Universe". In time Isfahan came to be known as "half the world
doc#104 and the peasant. Nonetheless, they take time out -- much time -- from the game of grab
doc#104 Nonetheless, they take time out -- much time -- from the game of grab and these new
doc#105 be endured. As he talked about himself, time and again stuffing and dragging on his
doc#105 Switzerland. He returned to Germany for the first time in 1953, where he has since conducted in
doc#105 his musical activities, did he have the time and inclination to do anything else? He
doc#107 Founding Fathers found the crisis of their time to be equally grave, and yet they had confidence