This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#129 would contain two generators of <formul>, which is impossible. Moreover, from the definitive
doc#129 meets the image of any line of <formul>, which we have already found to be a <formul>
doc#100 in states like the Carolinas and Georgia, which were among the most Tory in sentiment in
doc#131 example, a plan that fulfills the will of God, which advances the Kingdom of God, which involves
doc#131 God, which advances the Kingdom of God, which involves social life as part of the Grand
doc#22 neutralized Laos. The pro-Western government, which the United States had helped in a revolt
doc#146 abruptly rose and lunged toward Carmer's hat, which had tumbled half-a-dozen feet away when
doc#108 creation of an unreal image of their homeland, which is too readily assimilated by both foreign
doc#142 outfit shortly after the Maguires joined it, which had been at midday. He'd come alone, without
doc#103 there was a gimbaled compass welded to it, which rocked gently back and forth as the Land
doc#46 A. Belanger and Sons of Cambridge, Mass., which listed the same officers as Hughes, was
doc#37 week. </p><p> The $6,100,000,000 measure, which was passed last Monday by the Senate, provides
doc#8 personally led the fight for the measure, which he had watered down considerably since
doc#82 items on the agenda during the meetings, which are expected to continue through Saturday
doc#121 or polymerization to give the micelles, which have a degree of polymerization averaging
doc#117 came about 3<frac12> days after Full Moon, which is again in contrast to the infrared emission
doc#148 encircled me in a bear-like crush. Her mouth, which had been so much in my thoughts, was warm
doc#105 turned off. Unfortunately, it was Muzak, which automatically is piped into the public
doc#124 operated for a period of two hours except one, which was operated for four hours. In this instance
doc#105 into the Frankfurt Kulturbund Orchestra, which also gave guest performances in other German