This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#67 gets to play while the clock is
doc#116 bureaucracy. But while the corporation has
doc#101 years ago, while the nation was
doc#125 and dried, while the other strips
doc#126 new young generation while the queen retires
doc#117 the moon, while the radio emission
doc#68 went in, while the reserves scrimmaged
doc#123 the vehicle skin while the Russian instruments
doc#124 pounds was disseminated while the ship was
doc#146 the bar, while the sleek-
doc#108 the meantime, while the South has
doc#126 this will happen while the summer is
doc#104 and arches, while the vaults fronting
doc#145 brothers waited silently while their mother handed
doc#114 their profits, while they did share
doc#145 by his side while they jointly chose
doc#145 with Mrs. Jackson while they searched out
doc#114 mounting all the while through the manipulations
doc#145 up his wagon while we was waiting
doc#29 his philosophy" while working in his