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doc#106 travel around the world . We would
doc#106 expressed interest in world affairs but no
doc#107 example to a world aching for liberty
doc#107 tribunal of the world " for support
doc#108 to see a world of make-
doc#109 of the perceptual world . The concept
doc#109 orbit of another world , a world
doc#109 world, a world in which they
doc#109 create "a world beyond imagination"
doc#111 of the external world . The useful
doc#111 socialized ownership, world courts, and
doc#111 veto power in world councils are but
doc#111 on the external world , but also
doc#111 production, our world prestige, our
doc#112 hardly be called world -shattering.
doc#112 thing, the world that Beckett sees
doc#112 ; Hamm's world is death and
doc#113 everything in the world is flowing.
doc#113 hostile, persecutory world , faced with
doc#114 "show the world that" (