This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 became bold. </p><p> "Having all the guns makes you a big man, don't it, Adams? If we was both
doc#133 the house, and I carried you in. I gave you a drink and then you went to sleep". </p>
doc#134 I made you so you could stand up. I made you a man". </p><p> "Yes, Gavin, you did". </p>
doc#33 'll be explicit on where I stand to bring you a strong, dynamic administration. I'm not
doc#141 this permit deal"? </p><p> "Well, I'll tell you about that", Lord told him. "We aim t'
doc#144 stand, but, before I do, I'm going to hear you admit killing him. Now start talking. Who
doc#142 <p> Finally Hernandez said, "I could offer you advice, Tomas, but you wouldn't heed it
doc#148 a pass, say I tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove to him what a
doc#145 speak in a soothing voice. </p><p> "I know you ain't"! Dan affirmed, feeling ten feet
doc#103 navigating his way across the flatland. </p><p> "Do you always navigate like this"? I asked. </p>
doc#107 considered all who were not for us, and you amongst the rest, as against us, yet be
doc#144 dabbing at his nose. "He found out about you and Arbuckle talking. He wanted to show
doc#141 blame you. You think that Highlands swindled you and I helped'em do it. But you're all wrong
doc#102 millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, perhaps you and me -- and the experts. </p><p> These
doc#139 around. </p><p> "Let's get one thing straight, you and me. The only reason we brought you
doc#145 send them on their way and make camp, let's you and me go for a walk down by the Snake
doc#145 turn when it comes up and fall in behind you and Rod's outfit". </p><p> "Ain't no sense
doc#148 telling him I made a pass, say I tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove
doc#133 house, then faced the boy. </p><p> "Who are you and what happened to you"? he asked. "I
doc#136 moccasins? Let Old Knife come up and kill you and your people, or would you steer him