This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#148 was silhouetted and with the strong light I could see the outlines of her body, a body
doc#136 Montero was shouting. </p><p> Far up the valley I could see the Rees circling and reorganizing
doc#136 horse, he rolled off the bale on top of me. I could smell woodsmoke, grease, and oil.
doc#103 Australian stopped trying to talk a pidgin I could understand, and spoke strange words
doc#133 he couldn't send them on, either. </p><p> " I could use some help", Morgan said finally
doc#139 almost didn't tell you". </p><p> "If you hadn't I 'd have killed you". </p><p> Dill's voice
doc#50 could take his other car to work. </p><p> " I 'd just turned on the ignition when there
doc#145 for Dare-Base and Farmer-in-the-Dell, but I 'd sure like to get in on the handhold and
doc#103 in the same direction. They saw it before I did, even with my binoculars. It was nothing
doc#145 sleeve. If I hadn't got Nate stopped when I did, my duds'd all be shot plumb to hell
doc#139 studied voice, "I didn't do it for you. I did it for the valley. You're the only
doc#138 hall, however, and hardly a day passed when I did not go to look at it from a distance
doc#138 was quiet. Such was my state of mind that I did not question the possibility of this
doc#148 if she were a painter and I a nude model. I dismissed these feelings as wishful thinking
doc#103 right", he said. "Once I get out on the flat I do. Some chaps that know an area well can
doc#111 himself or to others. I believe that what I do has some effect on his actions and I
doc#105 aber keine Meinung (I hold an office, but I do not feel entitled to have an opinion
doc#137 get away with this kind of business, and I don't care about that, either. You took
doc#144 "We ain't got nothing to talk about. If I don't come back in the house, Breed's going
doc#133 in all the strays who come by"? </p><p> " I don't have many strays coming to my front