This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#27 the council as soon as possible. </p><p> Mr. Martinelli said yesterday that the Citizens
doc#29 witnessed in this campaign the effort to project Mr. Mitchell as the image of a unity candidate
doc#29 spend all his available time campaigning for Mr. Mitchell is a dead giveaway. It is a desperate
doc#29 now witnessing an effort to transfer to Mr. Mitchell some of the glow of Sen. Case's
doc#133 him. He said: "If it's all right with you, Mr. Morgan, I'll sleep out here on the couch
doc#133 <p> "Not much of a meal"? the girl cried. " Mr. Morgan, it's the best-looking food I ever
doc#133 said; then she murmured: "You're very kind, Mr. Morgan. Do you take in all the strays who
doc#133 the table, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Morgan. I'm usually a very strong woman
doc#133 cooked in a restaurant. We'll work hard, Mr. Morgan". </p><p> "I'll see", Morgan said.
doc#109 dancer out of his personal, pedestrian self, Mr. Nikolais has experimented with relating
doc#109 performer, and a girl's cape lined with grass. Mr. Nikolais has made a distinctive contribution
doc#22 totalitarian nationalism feeds". </p><p> Mr. Nixon, for his part, would oppose intervention
doc#22 , generally, the opinions voiced both by Mr. Nixon and the professors. AID PLANS REVAMPED
doc#25 proposed committee to hold public hearings", Mr. Notte said, "to obtain the views of the
doc#25 Legislative Council might perform the review, Mr. Notte said that instead he will take up
doc#25 A copy was released to the press. </p><p> Mr. Notte was responding to a resolution adopted
doc#25 will then appoint the study committee with Mr. Nugent's cooperation, the governor said
doc#37 languages and mathematics. </p><p> Mr. Delaney and Mr. O'Neill are not willing to vote on the
doc#26 in dividing everything he does not own". Mr. Reama, far from really being retired, is
doc#26 to pass under both major parties. </p><p> Mr. Reama, who retired as vice president of