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doc#100 tastes. Most of them are Democrats and nearly all consider themselves, and are viewed as,
doc#100 , the two World Wars, and the Korean War all served to overcome old grievances and cement
doc#101 incidentally benefited. At the same time, all suggestions that some sort of societal
doc#101 standardized feature of political platforms, and all the many facets of the American version
doc#101 Soviet world. For better or for worse, we all now live in welfare states, the organizing
doc#102 about the urgency of disarmament and nearly all other questions of national security. Only
doc#102 systems and, in some cases, television, link all vital points. Alternate locations exist
doc#102 vital points. Alternate locations exist for all key command centers. For last-ditch emergencies
doc#102 same principle of "redundancy" applies to all communications on these special networks
doc#102 his decision would be instantly known in all command posts that would originate the
doc#102 deputy or one of their seven assistants, all full colonels, mans the heart of the command
doc#102 for an armed bomb to be released. Unless all gadgets are properly operated -- and the
doc#103 body water. They'll move around that rock all day, following the shade. During the hottest
doc#103 lubra. She remained squatting on her heels all the time we were there; like the man, she
doc#103 burnished with sweat and grease so that all of the objects seemed to have been carved
doc#103 is said to have great odor. The stink is all the same to me, but I really think they
doc#104 curves of a hundred domes. At the heart of all of this was the square, which one such
doc#104 actually get there find that it isn't spooky at all but as brilliant as a tile in sunlight.
doc#104 historical monuments". </p><p> However, just as all the buildings have not fallen and flowed
doc#104 them and saw that they were built have not all disappeared. The values and talents which