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doc#30 gubernatorial nomination, today called for an end to paper ballots in those counties
doc#32 wardens. He is credited with setting up an annual co-operative fire prevention program
doc#35 organization Democrats saw in the program an opportunity to end the bitter internal
doc#35 weakness of his performance as Mayor. </p><p> In an apparent effort to head off such a rival
doc#37 bill, while more jockeying is expected in an attempt to advance the aid-to-education
doc#38 carried out by religious groups, according to an official of the corps. </p><p> In the $40,000,000
doc#38 , the churchmen pointed out, and here is an example: Last month in Ghana an American
doc#38 here is an example: Last month in Ghana an American missionary discovered when he
doc#38 can. No religious group, he declared in an interview, will receive Peace Corps funds
doc#40 political affairs officer, a department head or an economist, to start. <para> Each member
doc#40 each additional 30,000,000 people up to an unspecified cut-off point. GENEVA, JUNE
doc#41 They had a two-hour luncheon together in " an atmosphere of cordial understanding and
doc#43 famous address of the free world. Within an easy walk from Capitol Hill where Pennsylvania
doc#45 might already be in progress, in the form of an administration proposal to hike the state
doc#45 the tax bill was related more directly to an over-all shortage of cash than to segregation
doc#45 the sales tax measure would bring in over an eight months period. </p><p> It is difficult
doc#45 -- the shortage of cash. It could become an acute problem in the coming fiscal year
doc#45 the fiscal session of the Legislature with an interesting dilemma. </p><p> Since the constitution
doc#45 The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor. It is
doc#45 most try to avoid, as long as they can see an alternative approach to the problem. </p>