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doc#100 social justice is so great that individual and local liberties as well as democratic processes
doc#100 between those who have been reconstructed and those who haven't. My definition of this
doc#100 , and there the memory is more precious, and the consciousness of loss the greater.
doc#100 Regardless of rights and wrongs, a population and an area appropriate to a pre-World-War-
doc#100 tempo is especially dear to Southerners; and I have heard many say that they are content
doc#101 centuries. Speaking generally, it furthered -- and still tends to further -- the interests
doc#101 statesman. His duty was to his sovereign and to his nation, and an extension to peoples
doc#101 Reference to two other concepts -- nationalism and sovereignty -- may help to reveal the contours
doc#101 sovereignty: supreme power over domestic affairs and independence from outside control. In fact
doc#102 Administration about the urgency of disarmament and nearly all other questions of national
doc#102 mannered Swiss-born sociologist. He was, and is, with the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit
doc#102 made him the Paul Revere of accidental war, and safety procedures were enormously increased
doc#102 United States strategy has been modified -- and large new sums allocated -- to meet the
doc#102 Additional codes can be used to challenge and counterchallenge the authentications. </p>
doc#102 the President cannot pick up his telephone and give a "go" order. Even he does not know
doc#102 gray consoles studded with lights, switches and buttons. At least a dozen men, some armed
doc#103 Many of them have drifted into the cities and towns and seaports. Others are confined
doc#103 compass welded to it, which rocked gently back and forth as the Land Rover bounced about.
doc#103 tall and very thin. His legs were narrow and very long. Every bone and muscle in his
doc#103 legs were narrow and very long. Every bone and muscle in his body showed, but he did not