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doc#118 higher temperature than the rest of the anode surface changed size and location continuously
doc#118 between the plate and the surface of the anode holder. In addition, the inner surface
doc#118 To measure the surface temperature of the anode plug, the surface was scanned with a pyrometer
doc#118 compared with the surface temperature of the anode holder, to make the energy flux radiated
doc#118 energy of the electrons impinging on the anode . This energy transfer depends on the current
doc#118 locations in the aluminum disk surrounding the anode holder to determine its temperature. </p>
doc#118 geometry. The total heat loss through the anode holder included also the heat conducted
doc#118 argon, the gas enthalpy rise through the anode was calculated according to the relation
doc#118 by applying gas transpiration through the anode . The third method was, to our knowledge
doc#118 the energy transferred from the arc to the anode was partly fed back into the arc. It was
doc#118 design the net energy loss of the arc to the anode could be reduced to approximately 15% of
doc#118 decrease of current density from cathode to the anode ). Hence, the flow conditions at the anode
doc#118 voltmeter whose terminals were connected to the anode and cathode holders. Because of the falling
doc#118 flow rates the arc started to strike to the anode holder instead of to the porous graphite
doc#118 picture somewhat. The heat transfer to the anode is due to the following effects: 1. Heat
doc#118 arc column. </p><p> The heat transfer to the anode in free burning arcs is enhanced by a hot
doc#118 to reduce electron heat transfer to the anode for a given power output. 2. Continuous
doc#118 the total arc power is transferred to the anode giving rise to local heat fluxes in excess
doc#118 Feed back of the energy transferred to the anode by applying gas transpiration through the
doc#118 feeds back the energy transferred to the anode by the above mentioned processes, but also