This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#78 <p> Skorich received a three-year contract at a salary believed to be between $20,000
doc#78 season. </p><p> The appointment was announced at a news conference at which Skorich said
doc#78 appointment was announced at a news conference at which Skorich said he would retain two
doc#78 his career as a player. </p><p> With Skorich at the helm, the Eagles are expected to put
doc#79 Baseball Writers' Association of America, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. </p><p> Shea,
doc#79 Shea and his wife, Nori, make their home at Sands Point, L. I. Bill Jr., 20; Kathy,
doc#80 and Sam Snead will be among those honored at the national awards dinner of the Metropolitan
doc#82 </p><p> "We'll have the problem of baseball at one end and weather at the other". </p><p>
doc#83 through salary cuts and lay-offs effective at 12.01 A.M. next Saturday. The current monthly
doc#84 pistol last night after robbing him of $18 at Franklin and Mount streets. </p><p> The victim
doc#84 North Charles street, was treated for cuts at Franklin Square Hospital after the robbery
doc#85 Negro, 1, was pronounced dead on arrival at Anne Arundel General Hospital in Annapolis
doc#85 Annapolis road a mile south of Severna Park, at Jones Station, police said. ANNAPOLIS,
doc#86 disagreement was over what Dr. Jenkins had said at a previous session and how his remarks
doc#86 misunderstandings about what actually happened at their meetings. </p><p> Dr. Jenkins notes
doc#87 ill while parked in front of a barber shop at 229 West Pratt street. BARBER SUMMONED
doc#89 spotted the wanted car, with three boys, at a Route 2 service station, just outside
doc#91 20,447,000, down 28 per cent; residential at $47,101,000, up 100 per cent; and heavy
doc#91 , up 100 per cent; and heavy engineering at $9,841,000, down 45 per cent. </p><p> The
doc#95 for exhibition to selected high officers at Portland underwater research station. It