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doc#129 in which the <formul> points cut from C by a general line, l, of the pencil correspond
doc#119 <formul> caused by a shear field is calculated by multiplying the pressure differential times
doc#116 not complain of the evils of capitalism by referring to a form that is not truly capitalistic
doc#107 social status was achieved in some cases by birth, as with Washington, Jefferson and
doc#134 the yard, from the circle of light cast by the lamp still burning in the house, into
doc#103 them were in the small area of shade cast by the boulder. </p><p> There was also a dog
doc#19 -- or those of their children -- caused by an extended hospital stay". </p><p> "This
doc#119 include the concentration differences caused by shear fields. The relation between osmotic
doc#119 </p><p> The actual change <formul> caused by a shear field is calculated by multiplying
doc#119 per unit volume in Gibbs function caused by the shear field at constant P and T, and
doc#22 insist on a verification of the cease-fire by the international control commission before
doc#101 an anarchical battleground characterized by strife and avaricious competition for colonial
doc#130 The society is likely to be characterized by having a fairly modernized urban sector
doc#45 proposals for new taxes will be the charge by his foes that he has not tried to economize
doc#89 brothers and were adopted as small children by the Dresbachs. </p><p> Trooper J. A. Grzesiak
doc#122 activation energy for abstraction of chlorine by a chlorine atom would be expected to be
doc#113 release. </p><p> The style of life chosen by the beat generation, the rhythm and ritual
doc#124 characterize the vertical profile of the cloud by taking samples from outside the windows
doc#133 . Do you take in all the strays who come by "? </p><p> "I don't have many strays coming
doc#44 others who feel they were given commitments by Barnett at some stage of his eight-year