This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#147 Tacloban he saw the clouds were dropping down again. To the west, the dark green hills
doc#138 darkness extended. I could observe the two fans down at the end, but their size in themselves
doc#133 Dan Morgan. This is the Rafter M. You fell down in front of the house, and I carried you
doc#146 Fierce anger surged through Russ. He fought down the impulse to rush in and collar the vicious
doc#122 redistributed to the reaction tubes, frozen down , and each tube was then sealed off. The
doc#122 vacuum line following which they were frozen down and the manifold as a whole was sealed
doc#147 No one had much to say. The sky glowered down at them. There was a feeling that this
doc#137 him, and Wilson turned. The fire had gone down , and the man was only a shadow against
doc#142 , he rode to the Welcome Cafe. Hogan got down from the saddle and had a look inside.
doc#145 he said, shoving his bullet-riddled hat down over Nate's purpling forehead. "Me and
doc#133 face that attracted him. </p><p> He put her down on the couch, and going into the kitchen
doc#109 not at each other. He lifts her, puts her down , and walks off, neither pleased nor disturbed
doc#145 then kissed her soundly before setting her down so she could stand by his side while they
doc#142 the lawman's other arm. They escorted him down from the porch and through the rain to
doc#97 quarrel ensued, and the youth knocked him down . Then the youths fled with his money. Mrs.
doc#103 barely swinging over the ground, head hung down and only occasionally swinging up to see
doc#141 crazily sagging left side. Then he hunkered down on the heels of his handmade boots, peered
doc#142 still empty calf wagon. Brannon was hunkered down with his broad back to the left rear wheel
doc#146 've had enough. It was you that tracked it down anyway, Stevens", he pursued strictly.
doc#134 garden", Gavin said. "They'll trample it down . I loved my garden". </p><p> "It will grow