This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#112 only chance of renovation is to open our eyes and see the mess. It is not a mess you
doc#148 it because of our relationship. When our eyes met the air was filled with an unuttered
doc#148 instantly was obvious; I was aware that when our eyes met we both quickly averted them. I thought
doc#145 FIRST Matilda could not believe her own eyes . She had spent too many hours looking ahead
doc#112 nor with nihilism. Could it be that my own eyes and ears had deceived me? Is his a literature
doc#147 bogies. Twelve o'clock level". </p><p> Greg's eyes flicked up from his instrument panel. He
doc#148 including how to pull the wool over a husband's eyes while you are having an affair with his
doc#148 knew what adventure or pair of sparkling eyes were waiting around the next corner. The
doc#134 himself from the embrace and stepped back. The eyes followed him fearfully. "The horses. There
doc#139 a narrow face and a too-large nose. The eyes always held Hague, eyes of a dead man,
doc#104 stand with the stillness of the blind, their eyes filmed with rheum and visions; the old
doc#103 with their heads bent far forward, their eyes only a few inches from the ground. They
doc#103 constantly at the flies and blinked their eyes . </p><p> "That smell is something, eh, mate
doc#137 pretending. He hadn't shown up too well in their eyes , letting himself be browbeaten by a woman
doc#134 Lester heard their muttering, saw their eyes reveal their desire. He worked his tongue
doc#137 They lay a little too stiffly, with their eyes straining to stay closed. </p><p> "Go to
doc#134 the mountains and the land, seen through eyes that had grown accustomed to the absence
doc#134 the darkness by the weary though watchful eyes of two men posted a few hundred yards away
doc#44 eliminate one congressional seat. </p><p> With eyes focused on the third congressional district