This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#123 hypervelocity impacts would cause a deviation from a linear relationship. In the United States
doc#135 against the rear walls. </p><p> He peered from a loophole. Guerrillas were only a dozen
doc#105 faint and was dispelled. </p><p> Did he come from a musical family? Yes: though not professional
doc#133 from the back of the house where it hung from a nail in the wall. He said: "You'll feel
doc#134 </p><p> The men in Pettigrew's were tired from a night's drinking, their faces red and
doc#130 of several years. Capital imports drawn from a number of sources must be employed and
doc#135 cartridges. </p><p> Mike seized a blanket from a pallet in a corner, spread it on the
doc#135 brace of pistols, holstered on belts, hung from a peg, along with ammunition pouches. An
doc#135 room seemed to be deserted. A lantern hung from a peg, giving light. Ducking inside, he
doc#120 about <formul>. </p><p> Spectra were obtained from a powdered sample having the shape of a
doc#120 hemispherical. Spectra were also obtained from a sample in a spherical container which
doc#122 concentrations of reactants in each of the six cells from a set. REACTION CONDITIONS AND ANALYSIS
doc#148 artist is like one of those scientists who, from a single bone can reconstruct an animal
doc#113 civilization will be saved. The beatnik, seceding from a society that is fatally afflicted with
doc#122 latter, silver chloride was precipitated from a solution containing <formul> obtained
doc#104 night lugged me up a mountainside to drink from a spring famous in the neighborhood for
doc#101 its widespread acceptance may be derived from a statement of the International Congress
doc#120 the capillary. Spectra were also obtained from a third sample of <formul> which had been
doc#122 was then distilled at least three times from a trap at -78° to a liquid air trap with
doc#138 certain it was self-appointed. It sprang from a type of mentality I'd encountered often