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doc#78 . He began his coaching career at
doc#78 . </p><p> Skorich began his new job auspiciously
doc#138 the chair behind his desk I wondered
doc#139 upon Rankin beside his horse. </p><p> "
doc#147 the slick between his palm and the
doc#133 . He brought his Winchester in from
doc#108 eyes, but his heart is away
doc#147 before. But his hands and those
doc#145 heal. But his only hat was
doc#105 literature. </p><p> But his prime interest,
doc#102 bullets fired by his coworkers. </p><p> Now
doc#109 , he calls his productions dance-
doc#107 . Washington castigated his critic, General
doc#144 . </p><p> Jess caught his breath in surprise
doc#19 person will choose his own doctor and
doc#134 " He closed his eyes, ashamed
doc#143 Powell was clutching his chest. The
doc#104 a miniature dabbling his hand in a
doc#108 Negro in defining his new role in
doc#114 , Calhoun developed his theory of "