This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#78 to quit after the 1948 season. He began his coaching career at Pittsburgh Central Catholic
doc#78 Shaw's staff in 1959. </p><p> Skorich began his new job auspiciously today. At a ceremony
doc#138 As he lowered himself on the chair behind his desk I wondered what this dapper, slightly
doc#139 away, his eyes falling upon Rankin beside his horse. </p><p> "Good luck". </p><p> The murderer
doc#147 out over him and he felt the slick between his palm and the stick grip. His air speed
doc#133 that he had placed on the stove. He brought his Winchester in from the front of the house
doc#108 of industry towers before his eyes, but his heart is away in Yoknapatawpha County with
doc#147 if he had never been in one before. But his hands and those of Donovan moved automatically
doc#145 itching, Dan knew that it would heal. But his only hat was something else again. "Nate
doc#105 Stendhal as favorites in literature. </p><p> But his prime interest, apart from music, he insisted
doc#102 that he was talking about bullets fired by his coworkers. </p><p> Now let us imagine a wing
doc#109 of costume and decor. In fact, he calls his productions dance-theatre works of motion
doc#107 piddling genius". Washington castigated his critic, General Conway, as being capable
doc#144 happened to Gruller". </p><p> Jess caught his breath in surprise. He started to reach
doc#19 choice guaranteed. Every person will choose his own doctor and hospital". WOULDN'T PAY
doc#134 you go way from me again ..." He closed his eyes, ashamed of his tears. </p><p> "I'll
doc#143 then noticed that Fred Powell was clutching his chest. The hired man ran over to help his
doc#104 like a young prince in a miniature dabbling his hand in a pool. These things are important
doc#108 lack of action from the Negro in defining his new role in the amorphously defined socio
doc#114 a numerical majority, Calhoun developed his theory of "concurrent majority", which,