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doc#103 were much darker than they appeared; as if the coating of sweat, dirt, and ashes were
doc#105 suffused with afternoon sunshine, he asked if the soft background music could be turned
doc#107 , love of country, super-imposed upon -- if not displacing -- affectionate ties to
doc#108 coat of paint. The Negro faces as much, if not more, difficulty in fitting himself
doc#108 material which may well serve other writers if not himself: the problems with which a
doc#109 his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this
doc#109 walks off, neither pleased nor disturbed, as if nothing had happened. If one dancer slaps
doc#110 sovereignty that went to war in 1861 -- if only to see better how imperative is our
doc#111 think of war as an external threat which, if it occurs, will not be primarily of our
doc#112 are distinct, but not fine. They look as if they had been sculptured with an unsharpened
doc#112 high that the top falls gently over, as if to show that it really is hair and not
doc#112 clarity. The question would also be removed if we believed in the contrary -- total salvation
doc#112 me why I write always about distress. As if it were perverse to do so! He wanted to
doc#112 were perverse to do so! He wanted to know if my father had beaten me or my mother had
doc#113 present. If he is the child of nothingness, if he is the predestined victim of an age
doc#113 makes him feel truly and fully alive, even if it is only for this brief moment before
doc#113 a wonderfully enhanced sense of self as if he had discovered the open sesame to the
doc#113 nature of man, as Ortega y Gasset believes, if the person in love betrays decisively what
doc#114 newer, for one thing). It really looked as if a change of the sort predicted by Booker
doc#114 and one in the Far East), and I asked them if they could name instances where the general