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doc#24 in having a full-time director, he said, is that East Providence would become eligible
doc#124 biological aerosol, on a much smaller scale, is illustrated by a specific field trial conducted
doc#104 and the blind sojourner often do not see, is that these places and activities are often
doc#108 individualized Negro character, it would seem, is one of the most difficult assignments a
doc#113 to integration of being. Jazz, like sex, is a mystique. It is not a substitute for
doc#108 assertion, after decades of humble subservience, is indeed a twentieth-century phenomenon,
doc#117 <formul> where the phase angle, <phgr>t, is measured in degrees from new moon and the
doc#108 cities over 25,000. </p><p> The field, then, is ripe for new Southerners to step to the
doc#112 that Beckett "hates life". That, I thought, is at least one thing I can find out when
doc#109 as it is for Merle Marsicano. She, too, is concerned with "the becoming, the process
doc#132 project. Of startling significance, too, is the assertion that it was possible to carry
doc#16 Bellows. "What this amounts to, if true, is that there will be a free-for-all fight
doc#134 cracked. "He's leavin. That's what you wanted, is n't it? Clayton is with him, takin him out
doc#36 impression that petty chicanery, or worse, is the norm in Massachusetts public life.
doc#103 Idje, here", and he nodded at the man, " is said to have great odor. The stink is all
doc#0 Purchasing Department, the jury said, " is lacking in experienced clerical personnel
doc#109 duration of the dance. The "approximate" is important, because even after the order
doc#116 the first step; and almost the only "cure" is early detection and removal. One way to
doc#96 three Chicago narcotics detail detectives " is the product of rumor, combined with malice
doc#120 grounds. A randomization of "ups" and "downs" is more likely than ordered "ups" and "downs