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doc#132 disrupted daily functioning, was a phobic- like fear that some terrible harm would befall
doc#136 I said to Oso. "The Aricaras treated us like friends. And here all the time you knew
doc#100 lack of appreciation of the arts of living like gastronomy and the use of leisure. Their
doc#141 don't feel like a cigar"? </p><p> "I feel like getting back to town, that's what I feel
doc#112 I have tried to describe. </p><p> Nothing like Godot, he arrived before the hour. His
doc#67 get your timing down. </p><p> "It's kind of like golf -- if you don't swing a club very
doc#143 "Everyone knew it, but he sort of acted like he didn't care who knew it -- even after
doc#141 both daughter and wife to him. Donna was like he was. She lived by the rules, never compromising
doc#116 displays, but rugged capitalist entrepreneurs like Henry Ford, Hugh Cooper, Thomas Campbell
doc#141 knew that anything a brainy little lady like her had to say would be plumb important
doc#144 solid left to Jess's mid-section. It was like hitting a sack of salt. Pain shout up Curt
doc#138 although just what I had expected him to look like I could not have explained. He was a man
doc#130 TRANSITIONAL SOCIETIES When we look at countries like Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Burma, where
doc#11 defenders were mostly small-town legislators like J. W. Buchanan of Dumas, Eligio (Kika)
doc#144 an unarmed man might come easy to someone like Jess, but Curt couldn't bring himself to
doc#144 Curt didn't interpret it this way. A man like Jess would want to have a ready means of
doc#103 for making fire, two stones shaped roughly like knives, a woven-root container which held
doc#100 question them as to what they mean by concepts like liberty and democracy, I find that they
doc#142 in a year, Tomas ...". "In a year she'll like living in Clayton's house too much to come
doc#105 instead of C, as in the scale. Because, like many other children, he intensely disliked