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doc#112 remain in it long will depend on
doc#112 course on how long the cold war
doc#113 up during these long nights of talk
doc#113 West Venice so long as the partners
doc#114 having lunch not long ago (apologies
doc#114 to me not long ago: "
doc#114 which New Englanders long ago put out
doc#114 been put away long ago in a
doc#114 , in the long run? </p><p> New
doc#114 that was a long time ago.
doc#114 knows, has long been schoolmaster to
doc#114 New England have long since segregated our
doc#115 of Heidenstam's long sojourn abroad was
doc#115 , was a long fantastic epic in
doc#115 -third as long , it is
doc#115 out of a long period of petulance
doc#116 It can project long -range goals
doc#116 abler to solve long -range problems
doc#118 , <frac14> inch long . The graphite
doc#121 of glycerol with long -chain organic