This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#24 has to be made available to the
doc#130 these countries have made big strides toward
doc#147 The low clouds made bombing difficult.
doc#40 number of recommendations made by a panel
doc#126 or the hole made by a woodpecker
doc#120 container which was made by blowing a
doc#76 a new arrangement made by Bob Howsam
doc#46 performance bond was made by City Solicitor
doc#60 denied all motions made by defense attorneys
doc#86 <p> The proposal was made by Dr. David
doc#147 of enemy contacts made by other flights
doc#110 1821 -- were made by such master
doc#15 EXTENSION Other recommendations made by the committee
doc#145 along with those made by the earlier
doc#110 was a compact made by the people
doc#145 happened until they made circle, tended
doc#110 one of 1861 made clear that in
doc#121 ) the formulations made expressly for machine
doc#104 tile they have made far more than
doc#101 -- provision was made for payment for