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doc#108 Negro is easier to write than the white man ; but they obviously mean by this, not a
doc#109 still another is twirling an umbrella. A man and a girl happen to meet; they look straight
doc#110 fearful war whose issue was in doubt, proved man enough to say this publicly -- to give
doc#110 in all our error, some truth. So great a man could not but understand, too, that the
doc#110 less compatible with the sovereignty of man . The very fact that they came so near to
doc#111 inventions which increased the possibility for man to coexist with man. Consitutional government
doc#111 the possibility for man to coexist with man . Consitutional government, popular vote
doc#111 desperately in the need of such invention, for man is still very much at the mercy of man.
doc#111 for man is still very much at the mercy of man . In fact the accumulation of the hardware
doc#111 difficult to reconstruct the primeval fears of man . We get some clue from a few remembrances
doc#111 not much more afraid of people now than man ever was. We are not now afraid of atomic
doc#112 would not settle such questions, because a man is not the same as his writing: in the
doc#112 not bristle. One might say it combines the man 's own pride and humility. For he has the
doc#113 expression of the creative impulse in unfettered man . </p><p> The mystique of sex, combined with
doc#113 senses. </p><p> If love reflects the nature of man , as Ortega y Gasset believes, if the person
doc#114 means about the same thing as redemption. A man must be able to say, "Father, I have sinned
doc#115 beggar's rags I strove to see The inner man . I looked unceasingly With my cold mind
doc#115 architect but the temple that is immortal. "The man 's true reputation is his work". </p><p> The
doc#116 We are already committed to establishing man 's supremacy over nature and everywhere
doc#116 line, color and other, as to which kind of man we wish to see dominate. We have proved