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doc#100 majority of these people are of Anglo-Saxon or Celtic descent. This is the only case in
doc#100 say that they are content to earn a half or a third as much as they could up North
doc#101 above, no attention was paid by statesman or scholar to an idea of state responsibility
doc#101 whether with the British navy ruling the seas or with the City of London ruling world finance
doc#101 nations of the non-Soviet world. For better or for worse, we all now live in welfare states
doc#102 margin of safety? Will the danger increase or decrease? </p><p> I have just asked these
doc#102 " that could start a war -- accidentally or by design -- and in the command centers
doc#102 William W. Wisman, SAC's senior controller. He or his deputy or one of their seven assistants
doc#102 clear and quick. No question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate. </p><p> Wisman, who
doc#102 emergencies the SAC commander, Gen. Thomas Powern, or his deputies and their staff would occupy
doc#102 on alert near their "positive control ( or fail-safe) points", the spots on the map
doc#103 is not a lope, it is not done with style or verve. It is the gait of the human who
doc#103 soft gray tree-clumps. Nothing appalling or horrible rushed upon these men. Only there
doc#103 it did not. There might have been a fence or a house just over the next rise; only --
doc#103 error or waste. Any organism that falters or misperceives the signals or weakens is
doc#104 two is a score of buildings which somehow or other have survived and which naturally
doc#104 flights of steps descend into the water or onto still more terraces barely above the
doc#104 practically speaking there are no museums or libraries or, for that matter, hardly any
doc#104 design as intricate as that in the carpet or miniature, with the melodic line like the
doc#104 , with the melodic line like the painted or woven line often flowing into an arabesque