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doc#114 for the immigrant class which flooded that part of the New England world in the post-Civil
doc#119 were forecast by the theory in the first part of the paper. They also give information
doc#49 builders, which is interested in developing part of the project. WOULD BAR VEHICLES The
doc#117 intensities of Venus and Jupiter if a substantial part of the radiation had been linearly polarized
doc#137 hundred and forty acres. </p><p> The first part of the road was steep, but it leveled off
doc#45 has said the sales tax proposal is merely part of the segregation strategy, since the
doc#121 formulations are made in such a way that only part of the soil is removed by even the best
doc#109 electronic score were designed to become part of the theatrical being of the performer
doc#116 completely interdependent, as they are each a part of the whole. Strikes threatening the security
doc#132 involving a great deal of adaptation on the part of the worker (in terms of his willingness
doc#138 relatively short walk separated it from my own part of town, its character was wholly foreign
doc#118 conditions; however, the anode is still the part receiving the largest heat flux. An attempt
doc#111 of these advances appears to lie in the part they have played in the industrial revolution
doc#130 those in power and by a failure on their part to understand how local resources, human
doc#113 they lead is undisciplined and for the most part unproductive, even though they make a fetish
doc#113 <p> This confession serves to make clear in part what is behind this sexual revolution:
doc#130 were historically concerned for the most part with conditions of short or at least measurable