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doc#123 interplanetary space. There are several possible sources. According to Whipple (1955), cometary
doc#123 thought to contribute material. It is also possible that some of the dust in the vicinity of
doc#124 causing a high rate of lethality. </p><p> It is possible that certain mutational forms may be produced
doc#124 resources in preventive medicine would make it possible to control such an outbreak of disease.
doc#124 this point. Let us assume that it would be possible for an enemy to create an aerosol of the
doc#124 guided missiles -- should be usable. If it is possible for an enemy to put an atomic bomb on a
doc#124 atomic bomb on a city, it should be equally possible to put a cloud of biological agent over
doc#127 artery and vein afterwards. It is distinctly possible , therefore, that simultaneous pressures
doc#128 experiments showed that this is, indeed, possible . He then applied this principle of reciprocal
doc#129 than three dimensions has so far been found possible . 1. Let Q be a nonsingular quadric surface
doc#130 other appropriate forms of assistance where possible . </p><p> Our central goal should be to provide
doc#131 great concern, and his religious faith makes possible fortitude, equanimity, and consolation,
doc#132 significance, too, is the assertion that it was possible to carry out this program with only a 6
doc#133 it was a good one. He didn't think it was possible for this couple to be pretending. The boy
doc#136 try to cut down as many of the animals as possible . Wildly bucking horses would make the position
doc#136 in such rapid succession it didn't seem possible they were in flight. Men screamed. Oso
doc#136 manes, knees in bellies, held on as long as possible and then, weak from ghastly wounds, slipped
doc#138 where, I could not tell. It was, I felt, possible that they were men who, having received
doc#140 secret bosom. Atonement, if atonement were possible , could only be made at that sacred, sacrificial
doc#140 above her head as she passed. Was it not possible , after all, that the forest was in league