This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#147 a collision course. Friend or enemy? The same old question. And only a few seconds to
doc#121 were a threat though expensive, and these same polyphosphates spelled the decline of soap
doc#102 chain as unbreakable as possible. </p><p> The same principle of "redundancy" applies to all
doc#117 11). Not all the observers have used the same procedures or made the same assumptions
doc#102 known as "Sherwood Forest". I asked the same questions inside the launch-control rooms
doc#110 If the Union conceded this to them, the same right must be conceded to each remaining
doc#111 cross the street, or to continue on the same side. When confronted with a drunk or an
doc#148 keep the date instead. You are both the same size. He could use your clothes for a costume
doc#117 hypothetical black body which subtends the same solid angle as the visible disk of the
doc#100 bureaucracy which, under a President of the same stamp, would try to coerce an uncooperative
doc#114 where innocence, I think, means about the same thing as redemption. A man must be able
doc#143 chance the very next morning, for exactly the same thing happened again. This time Lewis had
doc#101 may have incidentally benefited. At the same time, all suggestions that some sort of
doc#112 Perhaps" stands in place of commitment. At the same time, he is plainly sympathetic, clearly
doc#140 eclipsing the sun and human time. At one and the same time, she was within it but still searching
doc#130 boldly the tasks which they face. At the same time, we should recognize that the obstacles
doc#134 -- fleeing his death and his life at the same time. The land over which he sped was the
doc#131 supernatural prescriptions that are at the same time codes of behavior for the here and
doc#113 achieve unity of form when he is at the same time engaged in a systematic derangement
doc#100 that such has been the case; but at the same time it should not draw false inferences